Audio Log 5: On Finding Balance, Socialisation, and Mindset

A very long, late night ramble on my recent thoughts about socialising, aspirations, emptiness, and balance.

Hi again. It’s been far too long.

This entry is just a chill late night talk about some things that have been on my mind. I’ve had lots of much needed socialisation in the past few weeks, but recently felt a growing sense of internal dissatisfaction and ‘emptiness’ at my neglect of my personal tasks. I haven’t been working on and progressing the things I truly care about. So, after a call with an art friend and lots of independent reflection, I finally sat myself down and recorded an audio log on this very topic.

Gets a little cliche and cringe throughout, but I kind of like that. I’ll embrace the ‘cringe aversion’ and just post it anyways. That’s basically what this whole blog is for.

Alright. Grab a nice drink and some snacks, or just sit and listen in silence like a madman - this gonna be a long one.

- JG.


Audio Log 6: On Seeking Discomfort


Living Stories: Interactivity and Storytelling in Video Games