Audio Log 6: On Seeking Discomfort

A short rant about my own habits and mindsets., mixed with a critique of our current norm of avoiding discomfort. Get the hell up and get back to work.

A fitting subject for the first post of the year. Start this right.

These are reflections prompted by the book Can’t Hurt Me (David Goggins), followed by Atomic Habits (James Clear).

The past week has been filled with introspection and brutal honesty in self-confrontation. What the hell have you been doing this whole time? Why do you back away from discomfort? Are you incapable, or simply unwilling?

For the first time, I’ve made some genuine changes in both my internal and external actions and systems. The changes will come slowly, perhaps they won’t even be noticeable - but they will add up.

It’s only ‘uphill’ from here - its going to get harder, but at least we’re getting somewhere.


Disclaimer - The image isn’t mine. Alas, I don’t have a minimalist, pseudo-inspirational image of someone seeking discomfort.


I’ll Never Stop Writing, Creating, Documenting.


Audio Log 5: On Finding Balance, Socialisation, and Mindset