Updates and Thoughts

Haven’t published in a while. Some very brief updates on what I’ve been doing and thinking.

Well. Great consistency as you can see. Classic.

Regardless, I write. Been writing very little compared to previous months; I still write something every day, but its hardly the case that I sit down and have a 2 hour session of long-form exposition to map out my entire thought process on a given topic. Miss those moments actually - I find incredible satisfaction from the process of just thinking and getting those thoughts down; I feel like my mind is doing what its meant to be doing, and its a sensation of being fully aware, fully alive. Its ‘exhilarating’ (those who know the reference will know why I used this word in particular. I think its perfect for this situation). Guess that’s a part of Flow state, something that I tap into quite often when writing or doing art. The sense of self just melts away - there is only the idea and the page. Creation is all that remains. Lets get back to it.

Been working on a couple of things; here are some updates and some thoughts. in between

  • been doing some casual photography, learning more about lenses and how to use the camera. Added in some new shots from the last few months into the ‘Moments’ page today.

  • art has been relatively stagnant, and that’s to be expected due to my lower amounts of hours used to grind away at the craft.

  • ‘Zero Input = Zero Output’

    • - just a super simple phrase that really stuck with me this past 2 months. Its so obvious and almost a tongue-in-cheek truism, but its truthfulness is exactly what I needed.

    • 'If you don’t do anything, you don’t get anything done’. Its that simple. No matter what you’re thinking or dreaming about, nothing happens until you put in the work. You don’t need to overwork or become hyper goal-fixated, but you HAVE TO DO THE WORK. This is mostly a reminder for myself, I needed someone to spell this shit out. Get back on it.

  • last month was birthday

  • started final semester of university of my degree this month. Last sem best sem (shout out to D. Tamago). make it happen.

  • Working on something that I can’t disclose yet. I felt quite bad for not putting in the amount of work that I had expected, especially given the fact that I actually enjoy doing it. Having an absolute blast coming up with writing and learning new things. Hopefully good things to come. Either way, its been a good experience every step of the way.

    • I recall Taimur’s part about recognising that ‘this is as good as it gets’ moments. Working on something that you believe in with good people very much meets this notion.

      • Did an art collaboration with some online friends too, had that cooking up for about a month almost. Incredible experience, lovely chats with like-minded young artists who are also chasing their dreams.

  • Wrote my Monthly Review today for July (I was very VERY late, normally done within the last few days of the month, or the first few of the next month).

    • really needed this reflection time. Read through some journal entries to remember what happened. Great month.

    • lots to do, but just gotta DO it. my mind is so often clouded full of nebulous thoughts and ‘inactionable actions’; things that have vague forms but no substance. Need more concrete paths. Stick to it.

Will likely start doing weekly small reflections and thought-dumps on here, almost a larger form version of my daily journal that I’ve been keeping for almost 700 days straight now.

Felt great to do this again. We’re back. This time for real.

- J.G


Audio Log 1: Rambling and Beginnings


Hooked on the Game: Instagram and a New Form of Social Media ‘Addiction’