Audio Log 4: Journalling, Friction, and Other Things

An extra rambly entry done on a whim off the back of some quick notes, typed furiously into my phone as I attempted to not lose any of my ideas. I chat about starting gratitude journalling, buying a guitar stand, and meaningful connections with our fellow human beings. This one was crazy long.


Below you’ll find the original notes that I jotted down onto the default Notes app on my phone last night, before I recorded this log. To be fully honest, these notes probably don’t even make any sense. But I’ll post it anyways. Unfiltered and unedited. I’m going to leave all the mistakes and typos in there, so that you can see the original mess, and also see how we can create somewhat decent ideas from VERY rough foundations.

Editor’s Notes: I will add [in square brackets] some corrections next to the original sentences when the typos literally become unintelligible. Otherwise, enjoy.

[21-09-21] [9:02PM]

Gratitude journalling.

Recently been feeling super super grateful.

Buying the guitar stand. Just letting the things you wnat to do become super super easy. Reduce friction. That one purchase probably increased my time spent playing guitar by 10x. Just cos it was so cosoe ans easy [*so close and easy]. Even easier than hanging on my wall. Never underestimate ehow lazy we can truly be. One physical step is enough to introduce friction to the pint hwrre [*to the point where] you just don't do the task. Even if it's something you enjoy. That's why certain tools are worth the cost. Do I need an ipad to draw and paint? No. But does it help make it super fast and convenient? Hell yes.
Do I need a floor stand for my guitar so it's 59cm away from me, instead of 2m away hanging on the wall? No. But does it mean that I'm gonna pick up the guitar and play it way more often? Absolutely. IT'S stupid but that's just how it works sometimes. Try it out. You probably already do this.

Talking to likeminded people was so so so nice. Really encourage everyine to reach out anc connect to more people thst share your interests. It's such a strange and inccomensurable experience. Like. I spoke with a classmate that I wasn't super familiar with, they seemed pretty cool but then our convo became so similar [I think I meant that our conversation ‘got to some shared interests’]. It was awesome.

I have my art firneds [*friends]. My current friends that sharemy school and uni experiences, or exercise, or music. Cinengting [*connecting? I don’t even know] on all fronts is so absolutely incredible. Literally peak human condition. We can't just leave this shit up to luck. I used to do PSRs [‘Post-Session Reviews’. I’ll explain it in another post some time]. Haven't been doing that lately, since inuVent [*I haven’t] really met up with people irl. But should dothat for online calls too.

Crazy stuff.


Living Stories: Interactivity and Storytelling in Video Games


Audio Log 3: On the Value of Creativity